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Nu Flow St. Louis, MO 63123

Pumpkin Guts can wreak havoc on your Pipes

drain cleaning in St. Louis, MO

It seems every time we stop at the store my toddler is loading up the cart with another pumpkin. She talks every night about how we are going to make pretty faces and light them up. And in all honesty I am a little excited about it too!

However, proper planning for pumpkin carving night is a must to avoid needing urgent services such as drain cleaning in St. Louis, MO.

Think about this - When you reach inside and pull out a big handful of slimy guts and seeds, what begins to happen once they are exposed to the air?
They stick to everything. 

And if they end up in your sink, run through a garbage disposal or even flushed down a toilet, they are going to end up within your sewer lines and will likely cause a backup. 

We always stick to the below routine to ensure that our pumpkin carving fun does not end in a true Halloween nightmare and require drain cleaning services in St. Louis, MO.

First we line the table with newspaper, this makes cleanup much easier, as we can just roll it all up and throw it in the trash rather than risk ending up with a clogged drain in St. Louis, MO.

Once we cut our top and start to clean out the guts and seeds, I am prepared with a big plastic bowl. I want to make sure all of those insides end up in there! I also keep another bowl for all of the dirty carving tools. These tools are fully cleaned inside the bowl and then I pour the water into a strainer to prevent anything from going down the drain.


As a top drain cleaning company in St. Louis, MO, we aim to provide you with more tips aside from our specializations. Pumpkin seeds taste great seasoned with a little bit of salt and roasted in the oven. You can follow this simple recipe or add your own flair!

And if baking isn’t your thing, you can save those seeds to plant the following year. 

We hope that the above tips can help to preserve the life of your pipes and sewer systems. If you have any further questions feel free to call the office at 314.856.3262 and one of our pipe specialists will be glad to help, even if you need drain snaking in St. Louis, MO. 

Make sure that you are following us on Instagram and Facebook for more information. Be sure to call us or fill out the online form to schedule your appointment with us at Nu Flow St. Louis.

Less Time. Less Mess. Less Money.

Contact the expects at NuFlow St. Louis to schedule your service.

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