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Why Pipe Lining Is A Better Option Than Repiping

repaired sewer pipe with lining

Trenchless pipe lining in St. Louis, MO is the preferred method for repairing deteriorating or damaged sewer pipes. In extreme cases, though, pipe replacement is the necessary solution. But do you choose trenchless pipe lining over traditional repiping instead? Choosing the former may give you more advantages.

Why Trenchless Pipe Lining Is The Better Option

Trenchless pipe lining, or cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) lining, is a non-invasive way to repair damaged pipes. This innovative technique involves inserting a flexible liner coated with epoxy resin into the existing pipe. It cures in place within a day. This new lining within the old pipe seals off cracks, holes, and other defects.

CIPP pipe lining offers numerous benefits compared to traditional repiping methods. One key advantage is its minimal disruption to property and landscaping. Repiping requires digging trenches to access and replace the entire length of the pipe.

In contrast, trenchless pipe lining can replace sewer pipes without all the hassles, costs, long waits, and labor of traditional repiping. It uses access points as entry points to perform the pipe lining replacement procedure. This reduces the risk of damage to driveways, sidewalks, and landscaping features.

Effective Sewer Pipe Replacement

Sewer lines are susceptible to root intrusion, corrosion, and other forms of damage. Sewer pipe lining works for repairing and replacing underground sewer lines. It is a better alternative to traditional pipe replacement.

Repiping comes with extra hassles and costs from the excavation and later restoration. Trenchless pipe lining is a long-term and durable solution that lasts at least 50 years. It prevents future issues and lets you start anew with new sewer lines.

Another advantage of pipe lining is its suitability for various types of pipes. This includes cast iron, PVC, and clay. Cast iron pipe lining is an effective method to replace aging or corroded cast iron pipes. Once they start to deteriorate, replacement is the best option, as it is inevitable.

When you need to replace sewer lines but don't want the associated hassles and costs of traditional repiping, call NuFlow St. Louis. We've been providing the most reliable sewer replacement services since 2012.

Less Time. Less Mess. Less Money.

Contact the expects at NuFlow St. Louis to schedule your service.

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