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What to Do In Case of an Emergency Water Leak

Leaking sewer pipe inspection St. Louis, MO

A leak can be caused by several factors, such as an old sewer line, corrosion, tree root invasions, or sediment buildup in your heater. Regardless of the cause, it’s important to locate and deal with a leak right away to avoid costly repairs. At NuFlow St. Louis, we provide sewer camera inspection services in St. Louis, MO, and offer the following tips on what to do in case of a leak:

Identify the Source of the Leak

First, locate the source of the leak. The cause of the leak may be clear in some circumstances, but in others, you may need to track the water flow to determine the specific location of the problem. Look for puddles of water on the floor or damp spots in the walls to try to locate the leak. If you don’t find any, schedule a professional sewer inspection as soon as possible.

Remove Any Standing Water

After calling the pros, try to clean up as much standing water as you can to prevent any hazards to your family. If you have kids or seniors living at home, puddles can make the floor slippery and may lead to accidents. Standing water can also be dangerous if you have any loose wires at home.

Getting rid of the water near the leak can help make plumbing inspection more efficient, because our technicians would be able to see and locate the source of the leak clearly. An inspection is done with a sewer camera inserted in the entry and exit points of your plumbing system.

Prevent Future Leaks

The good news is that leaks can be prevented in the future. Regular maintenance, along with professional drain inspection, can help you monitor your plumbing’s condition and pinpoint any weak areas or potential problems. If we find any of these during routine maintenance, we can make the necessary repairs to prevent the problem from worsening.

For reliable sewer inspections and repairs, look no further than NuFlow St. Louis. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Less Time. Less Mess. Less Money.

Contact the expects at NuFlow St. Louis to schedule your service.

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