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Nu Flow St. Louis, MO 63123

Top Causes of Clogged Drains

Clogged bathroom drain cleaning  St. Louis, MO

Clogged drains are a common household problem. Fortunately, by understanding the top causes of a clogged drain, homeowners can prevent this issue from occurring. At NuFlow St. Louis, we specialize in providing innovative and effective solutions for all drain problems. Some of the top causes of clogged drains include:

1. Hair Buildup

Hair buildup is one of the most common causes of clogged drains. As we shower or wash our hair, strands of hair can easily fall out and collect in the drain, eventually forming a blockage. Over time, this can cause water to back up and create unpleasant odors. Regular drain cleaning in St. Louis, MO. and using a hair catcher can help prevent clogs caused by hair buildup.

2. Foreign Objects and Debris

Foreign objects and debris, such as wipes, feminine hygiene products, and children's toys, that are flushed down the toilet can cause a serious blockage. These items do not break down and instead can accumulate over time. To deal with this clog, we may provide you with hydro jetting or drain snaking services.

3. Food Particles and Grease

Over time, bits of food and cooking grease can accumulate in the pipes, forming a thick sludge that obstructs water flow. This problem can be avoided by properly disposing of food scraps and using a drain strainer to catch any debris before it goes down. If you already have a clogged kitchen sink, our drain cleaning company offers a range of effective and eco-friendly solutions to clear your pipes and prevent future blockages.

Understanding the top causes of clogged drains can help you take preventive measures to avoid this frustrating problem. However, if you find clogged drains, call our experts at NuFlow St. Louis for fast and reliable drain cleaning services. We are dedicated to providing top-notch service to keep your plumbing system running smoothly. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Less Time. Less Mess. Less Money.

Contact the expects at NuFlow St. Louis to schedule your service.

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