Sewer Camera Inspection in Kirkwood, Missouri
Call us today 314-856-3262
Kirkwood, Missouri Sewer Camera Inspection
Digital imaging is used in the medical field, by the military, the library field, and much more! It is even used in something everyone tries not to think about- the pipe repair field. Thanks to advanced technology plumbers can now use small, waterproof, full-color cameras to inspect the drain lines in your home or office. Using a camera in a field that deals primarily with underground systems is a huge advantage to both the industry and the consumer.
This drain camera is very tiny, and it is attached to a flexible rod. It fits down almost any drain and can travel the curves and bends of the line it is traveling down or up. A technician can then see what the camera is observing on a mobile device or screen while this tiny camera is traveling through the pipe.
How cool is that? This camera helps plumbers diagnose problems just like doctor’s use cameras to diagnose patients problems. If you’re looking to find a contractor, you’ll want to find one who utilizes this valuable imaging device.
Here are some reasons why this option is something you shouldn’t pass up:
No more second guessing pipe problems
How far down does the clog go? Are there more than one clog? It’s hard to say without a tiny camera to assist the team. The pipes could be collecting debris that will build up and turn into a huge clog, and nobody would know. The camera provides valuable information that your professional can use to supply you with a more accurate diagnosis and most importantly a more accurate estimate of cost.
Spot the small problems before they become big ones
Can you tell our team exactly how old the pipes are in your home? Even if you moved in 20 years ago, you probably don’t know the answer because if the pipes are working, then they are out of sight out of mind. Unfortunately, pipes don’t last forever, and eventually, they will force you to deal with the issues that arise. If you use a camera to inspect the insides of the pipes you can keep your drain lines in good shape.
I can’t be the only one who has dropped a penny down the kitchen sink, right? Over time pennies and many other small objects will probably make their way down your drains- especially if you have small curious children in the house! Unless you witness them being dropped or you can see them then some of these things might end up in the drain without the knowledge of anyone in the household.
Contact Us
NuFlow offers sewer camera inspections, and we believe they are the only way to determine the current condition of the sewer system accurately. We believe in long-term and affordable solutions. This means less time, less mess and less cost which equals a less disruptive solution.