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How Many Leaks Does it Take Before I Am Losing Money on My Water Bill?

Plumbing leaks can often be viewed as a minimal loss. As long as water isn’t gushing out, it may not seem like a big deal. However, plumbing leaks can be costly and hazardous to your health. You may find yourself with leaky pipes if they are corroded or getting old at connections points. You may also have intrusions from tree roots.

If you notice low pressure in your faucet or pooling water under your floors and behind your walls, then you may need to call a professional plumber to address these leaks.

While life sustaining in many ways, water can easily turn deadly. Stagnant water becomes parasitic and wet wood or paper can quickly become moldy. Black mold is caused by water on drywall, cabinets, and flooring that is not properly dried up.  

Growing mold is not normal and can ruin your walls and flooring. It is a health hazard, and may take a toll on your breathing. Ensure that your house is well ventilated in general, especially your bathrooms, in order to reduce the chances of growing mold. More vulnerable people may find themselves with serious illnesses from exposure to black mold.

How Much Money Do You Lose With Water Leaks?

The actual leaks themselves are costing you money on your water bill. A small drip or leak that is constant can actually add up to many gallons of water lost daily. On average, a slow dripping faucet wastes over 7 gallons per day. If the leak is more significant, then you could be losing  approximately 30 gallons water of water down the drain on a daily basis. Just imagine expanding this to broken or cracked pipes. You can estimate the amount of gallons or liters of water your leaks waste using online calculators.

Watch your Water Bill

After you’ve addressed the toll on your water bill, you will need to look at the cost to your home. Will you need to repair or replace your floor, your cabinets, your drywall? These costs can add up. You can see an estimate of some potential costs here.

You might want to stop thinking about your leaks in terms of how many and start thinking in terms of how long. They longer they persist, the more damage your pipes and your home endure. As leaks continue to persist after repairs, you may need to consider taking more permanent actions.

In order to ensure that your pipes are fully repaired and safe, you may just want to have them relined. Relining your pipes includes clearing them of corrosion and coating them with an epoxy resin.  This seals off even very small cracks or breaks and prevents further corrosion.

Don’t Lose More Money on your Water Bill!

Contact a local plumber, like NuFlow of St. Louis,  that provides trenchless relining services. Regular relining can put an end to constant leaks. Make a point to schedule this service on a recurring basis, and keep an eye out for returning leaks. If your pipes have been properly relined, you should not have to worry about any new leaks for decades. Always keep in mind that any kind of damage to your plumbing can easily cause damage to the rest of your property.

Less Time. Less Mess. Less Money.

Contact the expects at NuFlow St. Louis to schedule your service.

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