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NuFlow St. Louis plumbing

5 Most Common Residential Sewer Line Problems in St. Louis

St. Louis is a city where a lot of gallons of waste and sewage have flowed into streams and rivers causing a rising concern for enhanced resources to handle this problem. It also has got troubles in handling heavy rains; therefore it requires implementing enhanced procedures so as to handles this problem. More than 60 sewer lines have encountered overflows in the past one year, according to research conducted. The aging sewer line system in St. Louis is in situation of despair hence raising the risk of core overflow. In other cases, the combination of storm run off and untreated sewage have overflow into streams and rivers.

Here are the five most common residential sewer line problems in St. Louis.

1. Tree Roots in sewer Lines

This is one of the major problems which have encountered most homes and businesses in St. Louis. Where tree roots infiltrate the sewer line, the roots quickly damage the sewer line by either breaking the sewer line pipes or even clogging the sewer line pipes up this has resulted to several problems in St. Louis such as the recently experienced major sewer line overflows in the city because the tree roots has completely blocked the sewer line pipes and also have broken the sewer line pipes.

2. Broken, Collapsed misaligned and cracked Pipes

Many of the older sewer lines are made of clay or plastic pipes which become weaker as well as brittle over a period of time. Once the sewer lines are old and brittle they will be broken by shifting of frozen ground or soil surrounding the sewer lines. Also of the sewer line pipes have been broken by tree roots. Many of the residential sewer line in St. Louis where built in the 50’s and 60’s hence made using a material known as Orangeburg, this material is notorious for weakening therefore this has caused a lot of mayhem with sewer line plumbing systems in St. Louis

3. Blockage

Many residential sewer lines in St. Louis have blocked because the materials flowing in them has a lot of grease as well as other objects which restrict proper water flow in the pipes such as tree roots and collapsed pipes. This has lead to a lot of sewer lines overflowing into the rivers and streams in the city.

4. Pipe Deterioration or Corrosion

Pipe corrosion is fastened by factors such as; the type of material the pipe is made of, the liquid flowing through the pipe, as well as if the pipe is in the wall or ground. Iron lasts for about 15 to 20 years hence you will be required to change these pipes. Minerals in the water flowing through the pipes also increases pipe deterioration or corrosion. Most of the sewer line pipes have corroded therefore they have collapsed restricting proper flow of sewage in St. Louis. This has increased overflow of sewer lines in the city.

5. Leaking joints

Most of the sewer lines in St. Louis are leaking because the seals between the sewer line pipes have broken hence sewage is escaping in to the surrounding areas. If the seals between the pipes have broken, then water can escape into the area surrounding the pipe.

Less Time. Less Mess. Less Money.

Contact the expects at NuFlow St. Louis to schedule your service.

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